How businesses can cope with inflation

How businesses can cope with inflation

Between supply chain problems, labor shortages, fuel costs and inflation at record highs, costs for business owners have been steadily on the rise. According to some economic experts a typical yearly jump in inflation in the U.S. is two percent, yet prices are rising...
Economic indicators for small businesses

Economic indicators for small businesses

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, small businesses can look to economic indicators to help guide their planning and decision making. Economic studies are indicating that with the health crisis beginning to subside in the United States, small businesses are...
Setting boundaries when lending money

Setting boundaries when lending money

Deciding whether to loan money to a friend or family member can be a tricky road to navigate. It is important to understand the personal, legal and tax consequences of your decision. When someone asks for financial help, saying “no” can be hard. And, if it’s a family...
How to fix burnout

How to fix burnout

The dream of running your own business began with certain expectations and desires, including making more money and finding more satisfaction in your work. But, sometimes, it may feel that neither of those things is true. Let’s take stock and see how you may have...