What is a Forensic Accountant?

The TV series CSI popularized the field of forensics. CSI made the use of science in criminal investigations seem exciting, maybe even a little glamorous. While nobody is rushing out to make a TV show about forensic accounting (yet), the field is no less interesting....

The New Tax Law

How is the new tax law going to impact your taxes? On December 20th Congress approved the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1) which provides the most significant changes to the tax code in 30 years.  The act will have enormous implications for every business and...

How to Create an Invoice

When you send an invoice, you are doing more than requesting payment; you are communicating a powerful message about your business. An effective invoice, that provides all of the information your client needs in order to pay it in a timely manner, says that your...

Small Business Accounting

As a small business owner, it’s unlikely that your dream of running your own business included hours of accounting. But tracking your expenses, invoices, payments and taxes is essential to keeping your business running smoothly and avoiding any trouble with the IRS....